Ethogram of guinea pig grooming behavior
is the act of cleaning. The front teeth, tongue, and back claws of Guinea pigs are
used to groom themselves. They demonstrate many grooming techniques, including
self-grooming, in order to maintain their bodies clean and maximize their
chances of survival. Grooming can also provide psychological benefits by
removing dust, debris, and parasites from its fur. Because the body surface serves as a
temperature regulator, a sensing organ, a protective device, and a moisture
Ethogram of guinea pig grooming behavior contains the following steps
Ø Licking its front feet
Ø Wiping its face
Ø Sitting on its haunches
Ø Wiping its nose
Ø Bring both front feet over the head from behind the ears all the way to the tip of its nose
Ø The body is cleaned with teeth and tongue back and forth
Ø Shake all over as it to remove loose hairs and fur that’s still on its body
Figure 8: Shaking body to remove loose fur |
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